Tips for Staying Safe on Zoom

Video conferencing services are being utilized by hundreds of thousands of companies across industries and around the world like never before. One of the most popular platforms, Zoom, has had avg antivirus free its fair avg antivirus free share of security breaches as it sees huge jumps Install Avg With License Number activation in traffic in the time of COVID-19. While businesses, governments and avg internet security schools use Zoom to continue their operations from remote   locations, staying safe online is more important than ever.

To help companies and individuals protect themselves and their data, here are some video conferencing safety tips offered by Zoom and cybersecurity experts.

1. Don’t Make the Meeting Public

This might seem like a no-brainer, but leaving meetings public is a common oversight. There have been numerous reports avg antivirus free of hacked zoom meeting, otherwise known as Zoom bombing avg antivirus free, which could often be avoided with a simple settings switch.

A security reinforcement that meeting   organizers can use is the feature called “Lock Meeting.” This function allows the meeting avg internet security organizer to lock out any new participants once the meeting starts. Even if a person has the invitation URL, locking the meeting prevents anyone from getting in.

2. Use Random Meeting IDs

Zoom meeting IDs are 10- or 11-digit numbers that are assigned to every individual meeting. While they are all random assortments  avg antivirus free of numbers, companies can run into security issues when they have recurring avg antivirus free meetings that continually use the same ID numbers.

Even if meetings are daily or weekly   occurrences with the same people, be sure to change the meeting ID and private meeting password frequently. This will protect the entire organization from unwanted visitors or security breaches.

3. Share Invite Links via Secure Communication

Only share meeting invites via secure email servers. Many people run into security issues when they invite participants to Zoom conferences via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. These platforms avg internet security, even if your profile avg antivirus free is private, are not safe enough to prevent someone from getting your information avg antivirus free. Even if you use programs like Facebook Messenger or direct message via Twitter or Instagram, that is still not secure enough.

4. Utilize the Waiting Room Feature

The waiting room feature allows the meeting organizer to control who enters the video conference, even if they have been invited. Every time an invitee tries to enter the meeting, the organizer will have to   grant individual permission. The waiting room also allows organizers to take a roll call of who is and isn’t in attendance. This may seem cumbersome, but this is a critical tool to prevent unwanted visitors.

The waiting room option is located under the security tab on the video screen and can simply be toggled on Install Avg With License Number activation and off for each meeting.

6. Make Sure Everyone’s Home Internet is Secure

Professional internet connections are usually more secure than private ones, but with everyone working from home, it’s more important than ever to ensure connection security. People can call their internet providers avg antivirus free to learn more about securing their home internet and can also take extra steps to ensure that nothing malicious compromises the system.

During this time of work from home, people Install Avg With License Number activation should treat their home internet connection like they do their avg internet security corporate or work connection. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading unsecure files, as that makes them liable to a security breach. It might even be worthwhile to invest in additional cybersecurity software or programs.

7. Ensure Security Controls are Up to Date

Zoom and all video conferencing providers regularly issue updates that address a myriad of features, including security. To ensure that the platform and meetings are secure, all users should regularly check  their app to ensure it is running the latest software.

Under settings, there Install Avg With License Number activation is an option to check for updates avg antivirus free. Users simply click that button and Zoom will check   their operating system to ensure it’s as current as possible. If it’s not, users can  avg internet security update the app on the same screen, which will help ensure that their meetings are secure going forward.


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