The Windows Personalization Gallery is new and improved

With the launch of Windows 8 last week, we published the new version of  the windows site at the same time avg internet security. If you haven’t  Install Avg With License Number activation taken a look at our beautiful new site yet, I hope you will.My personal favorite aspect    of the new site avg antivirus free is the new-and-improved Personalization gallery. How has it been improved, you ask? In several ways! First, you’ll see larger thumbnail images and more info about each desktop theme on themain theme pages.

Now you can easily see how many images each theme contains, as well as a good-size preview image and the window color, without going to the theme’s details page. Navigating to the details page is also easier to do now, since you can just click on (or tap) the image.

I love the new theme details pages! I’m so happy that you can now preview the images in a theme before you download it, which is avg internet security something avg antivirus free you’ve been asking for, for a long time   .

To see a larger version of each thumbnail image, click it (or tap it). The < > symbols bring up a new row of thumbnails to look at. An even easier way to page through the entire “slide show” of images is to just keep Install Avg With License Number activation clicking (or tapping) the large preview image on the right – that will transition you to the next image in the set, so you can see them all.

Clicking “Download theme” downloads the entire theme, which includes all the images.

Speaking of previewing images in a theme, I want to take a moment to explain something that a few people have asked about. You may avg internet security notice that the number of images in the Aqua dynamic theme is listed as “31+” on the main avg antivirus free theme pages, and as “18” on the  theme details page The number 18 on the theme details page is the number of images available to preview. The theme actually contains more than 31 images.

Because we continue to add new images to most of ourRSS FED dynamic theme every week, these themes are huge, and getting huger all the time. For example the Bing Dynamic theme contains more than 150 photos, and some of the other RSS-fed themes have even more. 18 preview images is enough Install Avg With License Number activation to provide the flavor of the theme and let you decide whether or not you want to download it. So for the RSS themes, we will only show 18 representative images on the details page, even though there are actually    many more than that in each theme. But for non-RSS themes, you can preview all the images.

Another improvement to the theme details pages is that some images now have captions. In the past, the only way for you to get more info  avg internet security about the images in the theme was to But now whenever we have access to interesting or useful avg antivirus free information about an image, such as the location where it was taken, we’ll include it as a caption on the details page.

In addition to new features, we also have lots of new wallpaper and themeson the gallery, including . These themes are specially   designed to extend across dual monitors, but you can use them with a single display, too (you just won’t be able to see the entire width of the image).

I mentioned this in a privious blogspot, but it bears repeating: All our themes – including the ones originally created avg internet security for Windows 7 – work on Windows 8 and Windows RT. But the reverse Install Avg With License Number activation is not true. Themes created in the Windows 8 format avg antivirus free (such as the panoramic themes) do not work on Windows 7.

I hope the new features we’ve added to the personazation Gallery, and the new theme and wallpapers we’ve published, will help to add some brightness and color to your November. Be sure to check back    in December, too, when we’ll have lots more new personalization goodies to help you beautify your Windows desktop. 


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