Introducing our ground-breaking COVID-19 report

Zoom, WhatsApp, Netflix, Facebook, and Amazon are very familiar to most people. So, it’s highly likely that you’ve used     at least one of these apps or services, if not all, at some point over the first half of 2020, throughout most of 2019, and before. Perhaps you also feel that these big names and their services became avg antivirus free even more important Install Avg With License Number activation to you since COVID-19 lockdowns began? This is exactly avg internet security what we wanted to investigate in our latest report, including the many other ways in which people chose to use their desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones during the uncertainty imposed by a modern, global pandemic.

COVID-19 and a quick look at the digital lives of CCleaner users

Lockdown restrictions across the globe earlier this year had a fascinating impact on how much time people spent using their PCs and mobile devices to communicate with friends and family, stream online media, and browse social media. This also extended to shopping online and even adopting new habits or learning new skills.

COVID-19’s fascinating impact on everyday device use and maintenance 

People in different regions of the world cleaned junk files from their PCs three times more often than we previously recorded. We even saw a 50% rise in Android device cleaning during COVID-19 lockdowns. Did you also avg internet security know that some people said they spent 21 hours more each week on Netflix or Amazon Prime? We’d also like to leave you with a couple of questions. Which do you think came top as avg antivirus free the most popular communication app: WhatsApp or Zoom? Can you also guess which countries liked using language-learning apps the most? Find out by going to our Digital Crap Index report now. 

Thank you to the 10,000 that answered our survey

This year’s COVID-19 survey would have gone nowhere without the 10,000 CCleaner users across the world that voluntarily gave up their free time to provide anonymous answers to our questions during what Install Avg With License Number activation has been avg internet security, without doubt, such a difficult year for so many people. If this includes you, then we can’t thank you enough for collaborating with CCleaner. 

It’s in our culture as a company to see the lighter side of things, but there’s no room for us to underestimate the very serious impact that COVID-19 and other events have had and the knock-on effects that may     follow afterward in the coming avg antivirus free months and years. So, once again, a big thank you to you all. We think you’re great.

Read our report to discover how COVID-19 changed how we used our devices

We can’t tell you about everything in our report here, but you might be interested to know how your everyday PC and mobile device use compared with others in the same country or part of the world as you, or perhaps even on the other side of the globe. 

To go directly to our report now, If you’re new to CCleaner and our website, you may also be interested to learn more about and our computer optimization software.

In the wake of the current global coronavirus outbreak, things have clearly shifted gear again. As early as February of this year, many workers in China began experiencing working from home for the first time due to encouragement from both companies and the government Install Avg With License Number activation, as mentioned by the BBC. Moving things forward to March 26, the official recommendation on the UK’s GOV.UK website asked    for businesses avg antivirus free and organizations to encourage employees to work from home, “wherever possible”. This continues to be the case. So many of us are now, whether UK-based or not, experiencing long-term working from home perhaps for the first time; this comes with both its perks and its obvious challenges. 

What could the change mean? 

There’s an argument that says modern tech companies already have the policies and infrastructure to cope, particularly if most of the work is digital-based and requires no more than a computer and a wi-fi connection, ideally secured by a sturdy VPN o VPN But for smaller organizations or firms, the transition may not be (or hasn’t been) quite so simple. This is likely the case if digital communication apps and tools are limited or an organization’s structure simply doesn’t mesh well with working from home in general.

Education will be an interesting sector to watch, especially when you consider that universities already have established online-learning platforms, courses and digitized library materials. But what about high schools and elementary avg internet security schools, otherwise known as secondary and primary schools? There’s a possibility they could face avg antivirus free more Install Avg With License Number activation challenges if key staff rely on a limited number of desktop computers instead of individual laptops, or children and teens have to resort to     using home computers or laptops with the potential to become distracted while in a different perhaps more relaxed environment to their usual classrooms. 


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