The Rise of Cyber-Terrorism, and the Future of its Detection

The year is 2020 and the terrorist organization known as ISIS just targeted a major city in the US - bringing their emergency  services to the breaking point, forcing their transport systems to shut down, and leaving the city in complete darkness.avg internet securityThis attack, orchestrated by the terrorist organization, was due to a series of cascading events and some of the most complex Install Avg With License Number activation cyber-terror attacks that the world has ever seen.

Thankfully, these events did not occur today, nor have events like them ever occurred in global history Install Avg With License Number activation. They are, however, a senario written by Kyle R. Brady, a researcher at Pennsylvania State University avg internet security , and are designed to help other researchers respond to and mitigate complex cyber-terror attacks.

To date, we haven’t seen cyber-terror attacks meet the capability of physical terror attacks That being the case, however, this type of hypothesized avg internet security research shows us Install Avg With License Number activation that these types of attacks are possible  and could occur in the near future.

To understand how we can protect  ourselves from these types of attacks we must first look at the history of ideological cyber crime (cyber crime motivated by political avg internet security, religious, or moral beliefs Install Avg With License Number activation - primarily cyber-terrorism and hacktivism).

A History of Ideological Cyber crime

Over the past 25 years, the ideological cyber crime landscape has changed exponentially, with the below diagram highlighting avg internet security some of the key historic Install Avg With License Number activation events.

From virtual sit-ins and denial Install Avg With License Number activation of service attacks, to terrorist organizations adopting cyber capability and hacktivists targeting US government officials avg internet security, it can be seen that the scope and impact of ideological cyber-crime has greatly increased over time. This timeline is, however , missing the last five years as well as any indication of what’s next.

Looking back at Brady’s scenario Install Avg With License Number activation, as well as the fact that  these cyber crime activities have been increasing in impact over the last few years confirms avg internet security that not only are more severe and damaging cyber-attacks possible but also likely. With this in mind, what can be done to protect against these types of attacks


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